Wealth Untethered: Discovering Universal Principles for a Wealthy Life

In the Wealth Untethered podcast, hosts Michael Isom and Patrick Donohoe invite listeners on a journey to explore the principles and mindsets that lead to a genuinely wealthy life. With decades of experience in the financial services industry, they share their insights, patterns, and strategies for achieving abundance and success.
In a world bombarded by pessimistic news and limiting beliefs, Michael and Patrick offer a refreshing perspective on wealth and prosperity. They believe that despite the ever-changing nature of life, some universal laws and principles can guide individuals to experience incredible wealth and fulfillmen
Michael and Patrick delve into longevity, health, science, technology, and investments through engaging conversations and thought-provoking discussions. They highlight the abundance present in today’s world and emphasize the potential for even more prosperity in the future.

Focusing on personal clarity and internal transformation, they challenge listeners to examine their mindsets and beliefs about wealth. They encourage individuals to break free from societal benchmarks and attachments to external circumstances. Instead, they invite listeners to go inward, tapping into their unique attributes and embracing a mindset of wealth regardless of their immediate circumstances.
Wealth Untethered is not just about financial strategies and tools; it’s about cultivating a state of mind that fosters true wealth and happiness. Michael and Patrick empower listeners to gain clarity, identify abundance, and create a more fulfilling life by providing information, tools, methods, and motivation.
Join us on this transformative podcast and unlock the secrets to living wealthy, untethered from external circumstances, and embracing the power of mindset and principles to manifest abundance in all areas of life.

Patrick H. Donohoe, IAR, AIF®, RFC®

Over two decades of experience in the financial services industry, Patrick Donohoe has seen the challenges people face in managing cash flow, risk, and investment performance – especially for business owners, real estate investors, and entrepreneurs. The struggles lead to continuous uncertainty and unease, – negatively impacting the areas where they have the most significant impact. 

Patrick’s journey into the financial industry was unique. Growing up in a middle-class area in central Connecticut, the child of two teachers, he wasn’t taught much about money, investing, or business. His interest in finance was sparked by studying Economics & Statistics formally and reading Rich Dad Poor Dad in 2002, which opened his eyes to the financial potential of all human beings. 

Patrick’s first real taste of personal finance came during college, where he worked in a call center that provided debt consolidation strategies as an alternative to bankruptcy and, later, in the mortgage industry. 

He co-founded Paradigm Life in 2007 and, like many during the 2008-2009 financial crisis, learned firsthand about the unpredictability of the business environment and economy. That period tested him but also shaped him. Amidst the struggle, he worked tirelessly, providing consultations and webinars to help people navigate the financial storm. In 2011, those efforts started to bear fruit, allowing him to expand his team and build a strong company culture.

Today, Patrick is the CEO and leads the company’s mission of helping its 8,000+ Clients discover their path to financial independence through proven, economically sound and time-tested strategies.

The journey compelled Patrick to write “Heads I Win Tails You Lose – A Financial Strategy to Reignite the American Dream” in 2018. The book encapsulates his financial philosophy and the wealth strategies Paradigm Life uses with Clients, rooted in his career experiences. To date, the book has sold over 60,000 copies. 

In addition to Wealth Untethered, Patrick also co-hosts two other podcasts with over 1,000 episodes combined. 

His work and influence earned him honors by Investopedia as one of the top 100 most influential Advisors in the nation. 

As a veteran of the industry, Patrick gets the challenges Clients face. His personal and professional experiences have equipped him to guide others through the complexities of personal finance. While he is passionate about numbers and objective analysis, he strives to prioritize making financial theories accessible and practical for Clients without getting lost in the complexity. 

On a personal note, Patrick has been happily married since 2003 and has three children. He’s a Utah Jazz fan, plays Ice Hockey, and loves spending time in the mountains with his friends and family. 

Patrick’s Favorite Financial Books:

The Mystery of Capital by Hernando De Soto

The Almanack of Naval Ravikant by Eric Jorgenson

Economics in One Lesson by Henry Haslit

Dollars and Sense by Daniel Ariely

Nudge by Richard H. Thaler, Cass R. Sunstein

Mean Markets and Lizard Brains by Terry Burnham

Michael Isom

Michael Isom author of the new book, What We’re Worth has dedicated his life to empowering conversations around production and protection. He passionately believes that we are living during the most extraordinary time in human history.

Entrepreneurs are going to create more wealth for themselves and society over the next decade than we did during the entire 20th century.

Michael built the financial firm Vault AIS for you to understand and leverage the principles underlying these economic forces at play.

Co-Author of What Would The Rockefellers Do, Michael speaks across the country inspiring business owners and professionals on The AIS Triangle. A unique system to pay less in tax, safeguard money, access that money along the way, earn interest versus paying it, ensuring money survives from one generation to the other and simplifying personal finance.